
Stroke rehabilitation is perhaps one of the most exciting areas of neurotherapy, simply because patient outcomes are so remarkable. The brain has previously been regarded as unchangeable. Hitherto, it was erroneously believed that if an area of the brain became damaged or died, that section of the brain would no longer be able to function. Thanks to the tireless work of neurologists and other scientists, we now know that the brain is fully capable of rewiring itself to adapt to changes, such as those induced by stroke. The brain masterfully compensates for damage in one area by creating similar functionality in another part - this is neuroplasticity at work. Naturally this is a complex science and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution for for brain injuries/impairments. However, this new science does bode extremely well for stroke victims: some patients have seen dramatic improvements even two years after an incident.
Neurofeedback for Stroke
Every brain is unique and complex. Any functional impairment an individual experiences as a result of stroke is dependent upon which areas of their brain have been affected. For this reason, recovery from a stroke requires an individualised treatment approach.
By rewiring the brain, it is possible to reorganise motor circuits to return movement to hands, legs, the face, etc. Along with increased mobility, brain training can also enhance speech production, improve mood regulation and behavioural control.
Neurofeedback is able to target specific brain regions so that functional training can be individualised according to need. At the Brain Training Centre, we utilise qEEG assessment in order to devise a training protocol specifically designed to meet your recovery goals.

Evidence and experience shows that neurotherapy can assist many people in their recovery from stroke.
Photobiomodulation for Stroke

Photobiomodulation (PBM) or low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) describes the use of red or near-infrared light from lasers or LEDs to heal, stimulate, and protect damaged tissues. It was first used for wound healing and pain relief but in recent years has been extensively investigated for brain disorders. One of the first applications of transcranial PBM in the brain was for acute stroke.
The mechanisms of action of PBM are multifactorial. PBM applied to the head can increase cerebral blood flow by releasing nitric oxide and improve tissue oxygenation in the brain. It can stimulate mitochondrial metabolism and increase ATP production. Protective mechanisms are activated that can reduce neuronal cell death and oxidative stress occurring as a result of hypoxia, while neuroinflammation is also reduced.
PBM can stimulate the formation of new neurons (neurogenesis) from neuroprogenitor cells in the hippocampus and subventricular zone. Finally, PBM can stimulate synaptogenesis and neuroplasticity (formation of new connections between existing neurons).
- Michael Hamblin, PhD (phototherapy expert)
"The sooner a patient is treated [for] a stroke with photobiomodulation the better the results would be."
- Tonie Chicchi, BS, MRT
The Brain Training Centre is excited to offer the latest technology to assist with stroke recovery. Photobiomodulation, also called Red Light Therapy or Low Level Laser Treatment, is helping individuals the world over to regain functioning following a stroke event. Watch the video above to see what success stroke patients around the world are having with this cutting edge treatment.
Multiple studies show that PBM can significantly reduce brain damage and improve recovery outcomes after a stroke. In one study, researchers applied PBM over the entire surface of the head of stroke patients approximately 18 hours after a stroke. Five days after the stroke, they found significantly greater improvements in the PBM-treated group. The improvements continued 90 days after the stroke. At the end of the study, 70% of the patients treated with real PBM had a successful outcome compared with only 51% of the control subjects.
Follow up studies with over 600 stroke patients found similar beneficial results. Researchers believe increase in the production of ATP within the mitochondria is responsible for the improvements.
Numerous studies also show that PBM significantly reduces neurological problems and improves behaviour in rats and rabbits after stroke. It also increases neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells, in these animals, improving their overall recovery.
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Z-Score Neurofeedback Training
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Functional MRI (fMRI) Neurofeedback
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All articles, documents and publications mentioned by or linked by this site or hosted at this site have been provided by The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) as a public service. There is absolutely no endorsement by ISNR of any statement made in any of these documents, articles, or publications. Expect to see differences of opinion between authors. That is the essence of free and open scientific study.
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